The interior of Tang Street.
主演:Owen Wentworth, Wentworth, Money, Matthew, Lisa Gilloy, High Holiness, Sullivan Jones, Dragon, Lynchinger, Anne Zhang, Michael Harney, Alan McLeod, Gauss, Spencer Neville, Jenny Tran, Esther K.Chae, Christian Goodwin, Dylan Stretchbery, KinaBermudez, Lewis
区域:America is
类别:Theatre and crime.
导演:by Taiga Viditi
副标题:The interior of the Chinese street.
简介:The series is based on the same-name bestselling novel he won the 2020 U.S. National Book Award, Willis Wu thinks he’s just an ordinary Asian, and every day he leaves a small room on Tang Man Street and enters the Golden Palace restaurant where he’s filming a black and white gang drama.
详情:The series is based on the same-name bestselling novel he won the 2020 U.S. National Book Award, Willis Wu thinks he's just an ordinary Asian, and every day he leaves a small room in Tang Street, enters the Golden Palace restaurant where he is filming a black and white gang drama, he plays a background actor. but Wu dreams of becoming a Kung Fu, which is the ultimate desire of the Tang Street resident he can imagine.
备注:All 10 sets.
2024-11-19 18:35:27