Electrical Horror 9: The Torch
主演:Chris Locke, Samuel Jackson, Max Mingra, Mariso Nicolò, Morgan David Jones, Ali Johnson, Frank Likari, John Tocattlidis, Zoe Palmer, Dan Petlonjevich, Richard Zeppi, Eddie Inkst, Lera Lee, Christopher Tae, General Williams, Leonidas Castro, Chris Collins, Nazien Contracott, Luke Galloway, Josh Bogg
区域:America is
类别:Sorrow, suspicion and horror
导演:Darren Lynn Bosman as
副标题:Death Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghost Saga: Ghosts
简介:The old bird detective (Samuel L. Jackson) leads the detective (Chris Rock) to investigate the devastating serial killing case, puzzling the murder of demons to resurrect the river lake rumors, once again tracing fear in everyone's hearts.
详情:The old bird detective (Samuel L. Jackson) leads the detective (Chris Lock Rock) to investigate the devastating serial killing case, puzzling the murder of the demons rumors from the river, once again tracing fear in the hearts of all. this new game rules, it seems to direct the police. the death whirlwind left on the scene of each murder, will wrap them into the bloody abyss of the hard-to-drop br thriller ninth by the two writers of the eighth part, Pete Goodfinger and Josh Stobberg.
备注:The HD version
2025-01-10 18:39:37